The Science Behind Compostable Materials: What Makes Them Break Down?

The Science Behind Compostable Materials: What Makes Them Break Down?


As the world faces increasing environmental challenges, compostable materials have emerged as a sustainable solution to reducing waste and mitigating the impact of single-use plastics. While many of us recognize the benefits of compostable products, the science behind what makes these materials break down is often less understood. In this blog, we'll explore the fascinating processes that allow compostable materials to decompose, the key factors that influence their breakdown, and how you can optimize composting in your own home.

Understanding Compostable Materials

Compostable materials are designed to break down into non-toxic components in a composting environment, typically turning into water, carbon dioxide, and nutrient-rich compost that can enrich the soil. Unlike conventional plastics, which can persist in the environment for hundreds of years, compostable materials are made from organic, plant-based sources that decompose quickly and safely.

Key Characteristics of Compostable Materials:

  • Organic Composition: Made primarily from renewable resources like cornstarch, sugarcane, bamboo, and other plant fibers.
  • Decomposition Timeframe: Typically designed to break down within 90-180 days in industrial composting conditions.
  • Non-Toxic Breakdown: Leave no harmful residues, microplastics, or pollutants when fully decomposed.

For more details on what qualifies as compostable, refer to the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI), which certifies compostable products here.

The Microbiology of Composting: How Decomposition Happens

At the heart of composting is a complex ecosystem of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes, that work together to break down organic matter. These microorganisms feed on compostable materials, breaking down their complex molecules into simpler substances through enzymatic reactions.

Key Microorganisms Involved:

  • Bacteria: The primary decomposers in composting, bacteria are responsible for the initial breakdown of organic materials. They thrive in the warm temperatures generated by active compost heaps.
  • Fungi: Fungi, including molds and yeasts, decompose tougher materials like lignin, cellulose, and chitin, which bacteria cannot easily break down.
  • Actinomycetes: These specialized bacteria produce enzymes that degrade more complex organic compounds, including cellulose and lignin, playing a crucial role in the latter stages of composting.

The Decomposition Process:

  1. Mesophilic Phase (Moderate Temperature): Composting begins with mesophilic bacteria that thrive at moderate temperatures (20-40°C). They rapidly decompose simple organic compounds, generating heat as a byproduct.

  2. Thermophilic Phase (High Temperature): As the compost heats up, thermophilic bacteria take over, breaking down proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates at temperatures of 40-70°C. This phase is crucial for killing pathogens and weed seeds.

  3. Cooling Phase: As easily digestible materials are consumed, the compost pile begins to cool, allowing mesophilic microorganisms to re-colonize and continue the decomposition of tougher materials.

  4. Maturation Phase: In the final phase, actinomycetes and fungi dominate, breaking down the remaining resistant organic matter, leaving behind a stable, nutrient-rich humus.

For an in-depth look at the microbial processes in composting, check out the Environmental Protection Agency’s composting guide here.

Factors That Affect Composting Rates

The rate at which compostable materials break down depends on several factors, each influencing the effectiveness of the microbial community.

  1. Temperature: Higher temperatures accelerate microbial activity, speeding up decomposition. Industrial composting facilities maintain optimal temperatures between 55-65°C to ensure rapid breakdown and pathogen destruction.

  2. Moisture Content: Moisture is essential for microbial survival and enzymatic activity. A compost pile should have the consistency of a damp sponge—too dry, and decomposition slows; too wet, and it can become anaerobic, leading to foul odors.

  3. Oxygen Levels: Composting is an aerobic process, meaning that oxygen is vital. Regular turning or aeration of the compost pile helps maintain oxygen levels, promoting efficient breakdown and preventing anaerobic conditions.

  4. Particle Size: Smaller particles have a larger surface area for microbes to work on, speeding up decomposition. Shredding or cutting compostable materials into smaller pieces before composting can enhance the process.

  5. Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio (C

    Ratio): A balanced C
    ratio is crucial for microbial activity. Ideal composting conditions have a C
    ratio of about 30:1, balancing carbon-rich “browns” (like dry leaves and cardboard) with nitrogen-rich “greens” (like food scraps and grass clippings).


For a comprehensive guide on optimizing these factors, visit the Composting Council of Canada here.

Common Compostable Materials and Their Decomposition Times

Different compostable materials break down at varying rates, depending on their composition and the composting conditions. Below are some common compostable items and estimated decomposition times under ideal conditions:

  1. Food Scraps (Vegetables, Fruits, Coffee Grounds): 1-4 weeks.
  2. Paper Products (Uncoated Paper, Paper Towels, Napkins): 2-6 weeks.
  3. Compostable Plastics (PLA Cups, Utensils): 3-6 months in industrial composting conditions.
  4. Yard Waste (Leaves, Grass Clippings, Wood Chips): 2-6 months, depending on particle size.
  5. Natural Fibers (Cotton, Wool, Jute): 1-5 months.

It’s important to note that home composting conditions may extend these timelines, particularly for compostable plastics, which often require the high heat of industrial composting to fully break down.

Challenges with Compostable Materials

While compostable products are a great alternative to traditional plastics, there are some challenges that consumers and businesses should be aware of:

  1. Limited Access to Industrial Composting Facilities: Many compostable plastics, such as PLA (polylactic acid), require industrial composting conditions that are not achievable in home composting setups. Without proper facilities, these items may end up in landfills.

  2. Mislabeling and Greenwashing: Not all products labeled as "compostable" meet the required standards. Certifications from reputable organizations, such as BPI or TUV Austria, ensure that a product will decompose safely and efficiently.

  3. Contamination Issues: Compost piles contaminated with non-compostable materials, like traditional plastics or glass, can hinder the composting process and result in lower-quality compost.

  4. Consumer Education: Many consumers are unaware of the specific composting requirements of different materials, leading to improper disposal and reduced effectiveness.

For more insights on the challenges of compostable materials and how to overcome them, refer to Waste Management World’s article on composting complexities here.

How to Optimize Composting at Home

To ensure that your compostable materials break down efficiently, here are some tips for home composting:

  1. Set Up a Proper Compost Bin: Choose a bin that allows for good aeration and drainage. Tumblers, worm bins, and simple backyard piles are popular options.

  2. Balance Your Greens and Browns: Maintaining the right carbon to nitrogen ratio is essential. Add equal parts of “green” materials (food scraps, grass clippings) and “brown” materials (leaves, cardboard).

  3. Shred Larger Items: Cut or shred compostable products like paper cups or natural fibers to speed up their breakdown.

  4. Turn Your Compost Regularly: Turning your compost every 1-2 weeks helps maintain oxygen levels and redistributes moisture and heat, promoting faster decomposition.

  5. Monitor Moisture Levels: Keep the compost moist, but not waterlogged. If it’s too dry, add water; if it’s too wet, add dry “brown” materials.

  6. Avoid Contaminants: Keep plastics, metals, glass, and any non-compostable items out of your compost bin to ensure a clean and efficient process.


Composting is a natural and efficient way to manage organic waste, turning it into valuable nutrients that enrich the soil. By understanding the science behind compostable materials and optimizing composting conditions, you can significantly reduce your environmental impact and contribute to a healthier planet.

Embrace compostable materials in your daily life and educate others about their benefits and challenges. Together, we can move towards a more sustainable future where waste is minimized, and nature thrives.

For more information on composting and the science behind it, visit resources like the US Composting Council here.

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